
By katgirl


I am quite a worrier and I hate to see a loved one sick. That generally includes my family and all pets (mine and all the rest in the world). But it is particularly sad to see Cleo sick. She is a dog with so much joy to share, so turning her nose up to food and keeping her ears and tail down are big changes.

I have been chasing some nebulous signs in her for several weeks. But today, lab work showed that she has pancreatitis (an inflamed pancreas). This condition is known to be very painful and now puts in to perspective many of the subtle changes we have noticed.

I have her high on pain meds, as well as anti-nausea meds. I cooked her chicken and rice, which she initially would not eat. But then James and Bob returned from their cub scout meeting, bringing back enough joy to start the tail wagging and raising the ears and eating some food.

The poor sweet is only two. She is definitely a veterinarian's pet. They all get sick young. She will be on a strict low fat diet with no table scraps ever for this little girl!

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