Occasionally Focused

By tsuken


So. Selfie day for the Pentax Forums "single in" challenge today. Telephoto. MFD a smidge over a metre. My arms ain't that long. ;) I tried a few shots using a reflection in a window, but wasn't super-happy with the results.

Later, I took the kids and their cousins down to "our" beach for a wander and a paddle (or as my older nephew said, a "paddle" (scare quotes indicated) - which I discovered actually meant a swim, sans any togs or towels). The two younger had binoculars, the older nephew had his little Canon bridge camera, and missy-moo had Dad's little P&S. While they were having their "paddle", I tried shooting my feet to call a selfie. My second attempt met with the most approval from mrs tsuken, and mother-of-tsuken thought it seemed nicely indolent.

I also liked the other two: Watery Beach Feet, and Sparkly Beach Feet.

However, for today's blip I decided against a Sasquatch, and present the four cousins prior to the "paddle", on the way back from actually-paddling along the beach:

It can also be Flickred, and there you will also find some other pics from the time down at the beach.

SMC Pentax-DA 50-200 F4-5.6 ED WR on Pentax K-30.

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