
By SmileyTanz

Daily beauty

Everyday I walk past this flower sticking out towards the footpath at least twice a day sometimes more, and have always thought it would make a cool photo, I have finally taken the photo, it to me is like the flower is reaching over the fence to say hello to all that come past.
It always gives me a smile to see it there everyday, I know there will be a time when the flower is no longer there because flowers are never meant to last forever, but until the time comes for it to die, I know that it will be there in all its beauty, but just as I know for now the flower will be there, I also know that God will always be with me forever and that there will never be a time when He won't be, it was an awesome feeling when I came to truly believe and trust in the truth to it. Thank you God for all the blessings and reminders of who you are that you put in my life every day. I love you

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