
By Valerie1940

Earth stood hard as iron....

A beautiful morning for dog walking today - this path was ankle deep in squelchy mud last week, now it is frozen hard.
Six years ago, when Merlin and Mystic were 5 and 3 months old respectively, I had to give them a short walk first then take Sophie and Bess afterwards.
I was doing a creative writing course with the OU and had  to write poetry - something I had not done before. It was suggested we used a poem we were familiar with and adapt it to get us started. This is what I came up with.....

In the deep midwinter, frosty wind made moan 
Earth stood hard as iron, water like a stone 
No snow had fallen, no,not any snow
In the bleak midwinter, two days ago.

On Monday morning, walkies never the less,
Two by two I took them, pups then Soph and Bess. 
Not looking where I'm going, ice I did not see 
Down I sat with such a thump, oh dearie me!

Stiff and sore I went again Tuesday afternoon 
Had I learnt my lesson? No, I'm such a loon!
I went so carefully round the icy field
Not carefully enough, the ground it did not yield.

It is still midwinter, here's the Wednesday news
My bot is black and blue, bruise on bruise.
The dogs still need their walkies though the paths are glass 
Valerie says 'tough luck mates,' have pity on my **** ! 

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