at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Bumpity bump

Our friend Melissa whose wedding we went to earlier this year, requested a bump photo a while ago  and it had totally slipped my mind until today we recieved a lovely thankyou card from her. So here we go Melissa- twin bump at 20weeks. I think it's quite a pretty bump, i've not done great at eating this pregnancy and i've been quite sick recently, so i've not become a flabby blob.... yet....

Ivy's good behaviour continued today. She settled for her morning nap without climbing on my head, and when she woke up she asked nicely to go downstairs. She walked to soft play in the afternoon, she fell over in the snow and tried to explain to me that her knees were cold by pointing to them and blowing for hot, followed by 'no'. I like that she uses opposites to talk. Her language just now is insane- it's accelarating SOOOO quickly, she'll repeat any word spoken to her. This evening she says 'dirty' (in a west country accent....) and was pointing out  green, yellow and blue in a book to Euan. She understands so much, like you can ask her quite complex questions and she'll answer. 

She had fun at soft play- she was pleased Hannah was there and accepted Hannah's affection very graciously.  

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