Where shall we go?

Wom has a cold, actually think it could be man flu! He woke at 11:30 last night grumping. After an hour of duscussion about going back to bed negotiations failed and he joined us in our bed. He slept, daddy slept, I cat napped, waking every thirty minutes or so to check he hadn't got a pillow on him.

Nursery run completed, got there early this morning so Munchie had a look in the national trust book for nice places to go in adventures. She declared her next adventure will be with mummy, daddy, Wom, her BFF, timbo and her cousin Maisie!

Work was long, tiring and manic, but another day survived. The children seem so tired already, the TA tells me it's because I'm making them work, their previous teacher took the own learning / free play literally and didn't ever challenge them to 'work'.

Home, cuddles, Baths (followed by shower as munch decided to squirt shampoo in my hair) bedtimes completed, worked till 9.

Cold, hoping for snow!

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