A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Hello / Goodbye

He did it! A full morning back at school. Only tiny glitch is that he had a nosebleed during the night and another one at school which isn't great but we are keeping an eye and hoping was a random councidence rather than anything we need to pay attention to.

But focusing on the positives it is hard to think when I have seen him so happy. On a par with birthday level happy. Turns out that near total sensory deprivation and being cut off from your world is a great way to make you really appreciate just about every little thing when you can have them back. Will be interesting to see how long the giddiness lasts but right now any hint of cynical tweenie has completely vanished.

Meanwhile I had my first proper and full day of work for a while. I stayed close to school for the morning just in case but managed to get a lot done. Which is a relief as the afternoon was filled to the brim managing a grumpy professor and a demanding client.

Exhausting but reminding myself it is a much better thing to be worrying about. And as it is a job I can shut the laptop down, run a bath and hide with my book.

Lesley x

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