
When I got into the car this morning the temperature was -5 degrees. By the time we got to school it had warmed up to a balmy -4 degrees.
Miss L went straight to sleep last night and was fine when she woke up so it was off to school with her as normal.
I half expected a phone call throughout the day to go and get her so I kept my phone close.
I went over to Mrs C's at lunchtime for some chicken and lentil soup, lots of rhubarb tea (which, by the way, is delicious!) and a few hours chatting. It was so good to see her - it's been ages.
From there I went to school to collect the Little Misses. I walked into Miss L's classroom to find her slumped on the chair again looking like death warmed up. Her teacher said it had happened very suddenly about ten minutes before and the secretary had just rung me. She had a temperature of 39 degrees, glazed eyes, didn't respond to anything anyone said. Horrible.
We had to go and collect Mr K from the station and then it was home for more Calpol and a blanket on the sofa.
I headed off to Fat Club in Bicester. I am terrible at dealing with my children being ill. I get ridiculously anxious about what I know are only minor ailments. Apart from chicken pox and coughs and colds neither of the Little Misses have ever really been ill. I could count on one hand how many times they've both been sick.
So I have been very lucky but it means I'm not used to it and rubbish at dealing with it.
Apparently ten minutes after I'd left she perked right up and they all had bacon sandwiches for tea.
I was less perky to discover I'd put on two and a half pounds having gone completely off the rails this week and eaten everything in sight.
Back on track tomorrow.
And possibly a duvet day for Miss L. I don't think I can cope with walking in and seeing her so tiny and poorly in Mrs S's chair again!

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