Texann Times

By Texann

Room with a view

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Went for breakfast in Covent Garden  (San Carlo Cicchetti restaurant – highly recommended), and one last wander around one of our favourite parts of London, before heading off to Egham (west of London).   

When we arrived at the Runnymede-on-Thames Hotel (another favourite of ours), we were surprised to discover that we’d been upgraded.  We later found out that one of L’s former colleagues in London, had seen on Facebook that we were going there, and very kindly pulled some strings to get us a room with a view, shown here as a panoramic shot from my phone.  Thank you so much S - so sweet of you! 

L grew up in this area and still has a wonderful group of old friends here so after meeting two (J and B) for dinner, we then met up with a larger group of ‘the lads’ in the pub.  Just like old times!

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