Optic Nerve

By BillFroog

Pastures aMoo

I was suffering from the old bird flu - perhaps not HN51 or whatever that particular e number is - but brought on by sleeping under a beam in the house 'uppa' containing a nest with 3 near fledgelings. Only in the dawn light did I note a steady stream of fine, claustrophobic dust floating down, mouthwards.. Mmm
Banderbooboo - a mere superficial ailment - a scratch etc - translates as 'Monkey scratch' - from monkeys incurring small grazes - but not holding them up or delaying their swinging progress..
So - very few pics as I slept it off - but caught Amra bringing Cow & calf out to graze - tethering to greenhouse supports that Sonia gave to Dimpi - that haven't magically erected themselves. Sonia questioned closely before she left - giving Ankush (the eldest brother) permission to take over if not done in 3 months.. Ankush & Rini both taking opportunity to whisper to us later 'Really, it's because he is lazy!' lol
Anyhow - make good cow tethers.. the calf translated it's sunny freedom from the lowest storey of the house into bounding 4 legged pirhouettes of young joy.
Mela starts today - with climax on 23rd I believe..

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