
This was sort of an emergency dog blip, but it so perfectly captures the differences between Shlomo and Cooper. Mo is all about food 24/7. He can hear the difference between a bag of veggies and a bag of cheese (not that he won't eat veggies, he just moves a little slower). He can be up on our bed sound asleep and if a deli bag even gets moved around in the fridge drawer, he is down the steps in a flash. He is always in the kitchen, underfoot and in the way. Cooper on the other hand (paw?) only gets up when it's a sure thing, like when he sees there's a leftover bowl on the counter or it's clear he can beat me in a race for the cat bowl.

We saw the owl in the yard again last night. I looked around a few minutes ago, but no such luck, so dogs yet again :)

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