Running color

It rained so hard the flower colors were washed away and soaked into the ground.*

Right before dinner, the western sky was clear and sunny while the eastern sky showed evidence of thunderstorms. The light was strange and wonderful. As I was busy making potato salad and coleslaw to accompany our first veggie hot dogs of the summer, I did not investigate the possible presence of rainbows. I really must stop putting dinner prep at a higher priority than finding glorious light to photograph. Who cares if we eat or not.**

Then it poured. And poured. Now it's quiet but there will be more pouring and thunderboomers later. It is cool and fresh out now, the rain washed those hot, muggy temperatures into the ground too.

*Fib # 1: we all know flowers are entirely colorfast.
**Fib # 2: skip dinner or eat really late? Not likely.

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