After a busy day (it needn't have been so busy but an unscheduled lie-in had us running to catch up all day) collecting wood for a new wall and new flooring, taking CarbBoy to a disastrous basketball match (the score was so embarrassing that they just stopped counting) and, inevitably, acres more painting, it was delightful to have a couple of chefs to cook dinner for us.
I had to help with some of the prep (melting chocolate, mainly) and then it was over to the kids while I painted the house and then dressed up smart to be in the dining room at the scheduled 7pm for aperos. Even Mr B put on a tie. The dinner was fabulous. This is some of the starter. It was followed by home made pizza with a choice of toppings, though I have to say none of us were brave enough to try the advertised origami (oregano) and we were nervous about the pisata (passata).
Sadly our oven let the kids down and the round 2 pizzas were not cooked properly. But they more than made up for it with a beautifully decorated chocolate mousse for dessert. And all served with elegance. Bravo.
Mind you, the state of the kitchen afterwards took a little of the shine off the experience...
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