Hendrix J. putting out from the undergrowth
Stop Press:
Here is a BBC News story about disc golf in England broadcast on Saturday 17th January 2015. Very timely. See for yourselves what this is all about.
Early morning mists rolled down the Golden Valley today with sunshine and blue sky above them and white frost on the highest of the hillside meadows. It looked glorious. I might have taken photographs but knew I was going to visit Stratford Park later in the afternoon to rendezvous with the Stroud disc golf payers.
I noticed earlier in the week that some of them were having a discussion on Facebook about how someone might improve their 'sidearm' throw, one of the more difficult ways of throwing a frisbee, or disc, to give it a more accurate name. So I offered to come to the park this afternoon and have a one to one session with Daniel and see if I could give him some advice. There is a disc golf tournament in Bristol in two weeks so it might be a help for him.
When I arrived I walked around the park to find which of the eighteen holes they had reached, and once there I said hello to one and all and started to take some pictures. After three further holes Daniel and I went to find some more open ground and we then had about an hour of playing together. It was good for me too as I was able to start playing again for the first time in about six months after various injuries have set me back. Hopefully I can join in with rounds of disc golf within a month or two.
This picture is of Hendrix Jordan who, having thrown his tee shot to within about ten yards of the hole, was handicapped by having to putt out at the target through the undergrowth. I had to keep out of the way, and the strong sun acted as a backlight making the shot a bit trickier than I would have liked. I didn't get many pictures today, but I have posted some of my earlier images on the Facebook page for Stroud disc golf' which you can find here and here.
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