Sleepy Bunnies

Don't let this cute, sleepy photo fool you.
At three am someone was sobbing their little heart out.
Daddy had cracked open the milk before I had chance to say "don't give him any milk" as I don't want him to get into the habit of waking for milk in the night again. Oh well.

Better day today, daddy went shooting, I managed to do a little bit of work and then we headed off to Sainsburys, ooo the excitement, somehow spent £70, opps! was only going for a few things! Munchie fell asleep on the way back and stayed asleep on the sofa, once home, for an hour, she definitely needed the sleep.

We went to feed the pigs at Munchie's nursery this afternoon, great fun. Lots of snow and flooding, the flood gates are closed at the moment which could be an indication of things to come.

Both children asleep by 7:30, both cars wrapped up ready for the predicted cold night.

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