
I think I'm becoming the Great British Eccentric I was possibly always destined to be. I've never followed convention and have always enjoyed just being different from everyone else, albeit in a relatively quiet unassuming way. I've never sought to draw attention to myself. Until now that is. Street photography has brought me out of my shell. I'm aware of being noticed and actually relish the sideways glances and raised eyebrows. I sometimes have trouble recognising this extrovert personality as the introvert I truly am! I'm growing into the part and loving the experience. My life has never been dull and tonight I had the realisation that it never will be. That put a huge smile on my face.

Thanks for all the lovely comments this last week. My engagement here has been almost totally wiped out by the deadlines I'm working to, but I am optimistic about that changing soon. I have some extremely faithful followers out there. Your loyal support is hugely appreciated. I trust I'm still entertaining you with my photographs, hopefully as much as I'm entertaining myself taking them! 

I was in the office again today and took a short walk around the market to see who I could find. This is Cesar - from Poland. I fell in love with his ear flaps. It was another very raw day out there and it was impossible to argue with the appropriateness of his headgear. We discussed the reluctance of so many English people to wear hats - myself included. I need to find something suitably eccentric! Suggestions welcome!!

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