Anne's Daily Encounters

By dutchdelight

No complaints

Went to see my auntie, actually she's mum's best friend and eversince my siblings and me call her auntie. She told me she again remembered the day she welcomed mum and me on our arrival in Indonesia ~ in the early 50-ies that was ~ as if time came to a standstill for a second to her.

She asked me about mum and I told her ma attends twice a week a social club for the elderly who suffer from dementia and enjoys that with intervals; auntie said she'd love to have such an outing too, just to break the routine of every day what she lives much in loneliness. Her neighbours keep an eye on her and as her children live far out she sees them little and has the telephone as their lifeline; 'but I have no reason to complain! I have my wit and am healthy! Just too much confined to my home nowadays and that's why I like your visit even more'.

Auntie willingly posed for my blip and seeing the image she told me she looks 'old'. I told her she looks as gracious as ever to me. 95+ now and looking so well... she took my compliment with a laugh and I promissed to visit her in a month of time

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