Nose cheese??

This just made me laugh today. I have no idea why a small cube of cheese was placed upon this cow's nose, possibly a marketing enticement from the shop, but I can see lots of people stopping to have a look.

It actually reminded me of a conversation outside this very cheese shop that I was party to this summer. I suppose what you need to know is that this village is home to a rather large holiday park which happens to attract an awful lot of visitors from the UK, and that this cheese shop is next to the largest supermarket in the village and very close to said holiday park.

So, these two kids shoot past me on their bikes, trying to catch up to mum and dad who are a little way ahead. "Oh no," said the little girl, "it stinks!"
"Quick get past it." Replied her older brother.
"Good job mum didn't see it." States the girl.
"Why?" Asks the brother.
"Because she would have wanted to go in and I'm fed up of cheese musuems."

Those innocent exchanges kept me laughing for the rest of the day. The thought of it being a museum, clearly NL is just one big cheese museum if you believe some younger UK tourists!!

That is all.

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