horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Lookin' Foxy

While I prefer the contrast and colour of the night fox visits under the security light in the garden, snapping them in the daylight on one of their visits is just a touch easier. Especially when they sit and stare at you through the door, then sit at the back of the garden staring at the chickens safely locked up in their run.

A day for relaxing for the most part, which I then ruined by popping to IKEA for a new bookcase, then had to build it. Not many people know that in Norse mythology, while those who prove themselves in battle go to Valhalla, Ikea is the name of the place to where those who haven't been that bad, but have been a bit dull, end up. There they are destined to wander endlessly through busy aisles, pondering if they need the 1L or 1.5L storage jar. If they wish to stop and sit down then they must make their own chair from a few pieces of wood and plastic, using tiny utensils that are barely adequate for the job of applying torque to innumerable different fastening methods. Thor occasionally comes to visit and offers his hammer to help bash in wooden dowls that are too big for the holes which they are indicated to be put into, but is merely teasing as he snatches it back at the last second, and laughs hysterically. Odin himself... Is the name of a computer desk...

Actually, it was quite a quick visit, and none of the parts were missing, but I always forget how poorly it is set up for people buying on their own. The trolleys cannot leave the exit area, and not wanting to leave my bounty there while I fetched the car, I had to manhandle the two big boxes as far as I could with ever-freezing fingers, before dumping one against a bush with the car in sight. I still expected to find the second box had vanished int he short time unattended, rending the bookcase half the required size, but fortunately the 3 tonne weight had put people off.

Shopping to collect soon. Then alcohol. That's the answer.

EDIT: one thing that's annoying me about NewBlip is that is used to be the place where uploads matched most closely the images as I had them on my screen (even taking out the fact the dark background really set them off nicely). But now uploads here seem to wash out the saturation a bit, almost like an automatic lightening. This has, really weirdly, lead to the same photo, exactly the same file, uploaded to Facebook, which usually crucifies quality, looking better there! It's subtle, but enough of a shift to be noticeable. I've uploaded a side-by-side comparison here.

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