Thirteen Gulls Sitting on a Wall

We appear to be very lucky in Edinburgh as there is not a single flake of snow lying on the ground and despite the cold, the sunshine beckoned his Lordship and me out, albeit at a later hour than usual because of a certain amount of Saturday lethargy hanging about us.

The plan was to walk to the nearby bus stop and hop on the first bus that arrived. That turned out to be a 41 which went all the way across town finally decanting us at the top of the brae leading to Cramond.

We wandered round Cramond Kirkyard before strolling along the foreshore in the company of dogs, children, prams, scooters and the odd bicycle.
It's not often we venture this far west for a sea walk, but it made a change. Unfortunately there is no equivalent to Portobello's Beach Café. The only scone on offer might have been in the café at Cramond but since it was full, we had to promenade sconeless. It's at tribute to our robust constitutions that we managed perfectly without becoming hypoglycaemic!

I chose this blip because of the line up of so many gulls, who remained still while I blipped them:rarely do you get so many in a line without one of them flying off and causing a disruption to the rest.

My photo editor disagrees with my choice. He prefers the one of the large graveyard headstone set in the wall. I was going to say that that choice would have been over my dead body, which seems quite a pertinent remark to make in the circumstances

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