Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Looking at the Future

Tomatoes on the vine, well almost. This little flower and the dozen or so on this plant will accompany summer salads once they become ripe tomatoes. A friend gave Mr. Fun a nice size planter-box of three tomato vines. If we can keep the squirrels from feasting ahead of us, we will have some lovely garnish for our salads.

It's been a good day. I had to spent the morning at the Riverside campus with all the English faculty in our district (three colleges). The goal of the meeting was to try to find a solution for the dismal success rate for students who enter college with the lowest possible skills. Most of them never get through the "basic skills/developmental writing" classes and then through freshman composition. The government is not happy with those figures. It might help, of course, if students would exit k-12 with the necessary knowledge and skill. I would not want to be a k-12 teacher. David Chura has written a very interesting blog about teaching k-12. He has titled it "Confessions of a 'Failing Teacher'."

I'm not feeling well. My head is full of a sinus cold and I'm doing everything I know to diminish it -- wheatgrass, fruit smoothies, medicine.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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