Journey Through Time

By Sue

Nimble Feet

It amazes me that some of the birds can get a pretty good grip on the bird feeder poles and then, after a bit of consideration and lining up the target, can launch themselves to their intended spot.  I caught the spotted towhee doing just that today.  Gosh, it was a beauty of a day, but I had a few errands to run, and didn't get much opportunity to enjoy it.  Tomorrow I'll get my auntie and our son will be coming over for tacos made from Elk meat that my cousin's daughter gave us our last visit down to Corvallis.  

Speaking of my cousin, as I just did...Blipfoto generously offered to give a person of her choice (as she is a lifetime member)  a free lifetime subscription to Blipfoto. She gave it to me!  What a wonderful thing for Blipfoto and my cousin to do.  Thanks, Jeri!  She is currently not doing much with Blipfoto as her computer is on shaky feet, and she needs to get that situated.  Maybe, if I can find one of my favorite photos, I can link you to that.  I was trying to find one of her snow photos....but I found this instead. I loved this one and so did her subscribers.

Take care, Blippers!

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