View from the bedroom.
Bit short on ideas today folks so it was a quick snap from the window!
Another day chained to the office desk, only interrupted by a quick trip to the supermarket. Not sure which was worse!
Farming- The Mr Tbay's still on their workshop clear out which is going very well indeed. It is so tidy they will probably fail to find anything again!! Having said that it does all look very efficient . Two on compost hauling .
Spent time with Mrs Tbay Jnr planning the baby shower. It will be a very restrained tea party, ( not too sure that is quite what will happen as not all the attendees are pregnant or on the wagon). I popped next door to see them only to be knobbled to make 50 scones and eclairs for the event! Also agreed to purchase car seat for little Tbay Jnr! Quite an expensive few moments really!!
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