
By PJG844

Not Much Luck In Our House

I'm not one of those people that carry a camera with me everywhere thus I often see things that make me say “why aren't I carrying my camera”. Strolling back from the byre I glanced down the croft when I saw a wretched* rabbit running faster than I've seen before. The simple reason for this was that it was being pursued by a large bird. I'm loathe to say it was an eagle but it was too large for a merlin and buzzards don't pursue rabbits over open ground. It didn't help that I wasn't carrying binoculars either. Typical. Sad news is, the rabbit made it to the safety of the wall. How do they manage to squeeze in to such small holes? At speed?

I've finished the post for the replacement bird feeder. Yay. Now I just need to put it up. This will involve me attempting to mix concrete by hand. Oh, joy. I'm very much an avoider when it comes to doing things the first time. I do know that when I do it and finish I'll probably say “that wasn't so bad”, a bit like after you've been to the dentist. It's just geeing up to do it. Well, that's the plan (stop it, Ms B) for Monday.

In the meantime I've been putting seed and fat balls on the ground for the minions. I was standing outside and suddenly it was a mass sparrow fight over the food. Of course, as already stated, I did not have the camera with me so I went back in the house, grabbed the camera and …. Perfect behaviour. Four sparrows to a fat ball, probably saying things like “pass the salt, old chum”, “certainly, old fruit”, “how's the wife?”, “musn't grumble”. Typical. So I snapped the redwing sitting (briefly) on the fence, as seen above.

Weather's not too bad but the wind is starting to pick up. Suppose I'll have to do another roof inspection tomorrow.

* Wretched as in f*****g things. With the removal of predators here rabbits have been doing what rabbits do best. In fact I think that's all they do. Plus dig holes. And eat.

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