A Day in the Life of Me!!

By Maddbaker

My little seedlings...

Wow, that took 5 tries to upload. Don't ya just hate it when it gets to around 90% and you think you're all set and then it stops..grrr
Anyway, this is another favorite part of spring..starting my seeds. These are my plum tomato seedlings, I think they should be a bit bigger by now but I was late starting them. They shouldn't go out for another few weeks anyway so I give them a pep talk everyday..lol.
I'm not very good at this seed starting thing...I think I'm only putting one or two in each hole but way more seem to come up and it breaks my heart to pull them out. I've managed to get them down to one for each hole now, looks like I'm going to have 64 tomato plants for the garden. I better get out the preserving books now and plan a strategy for the fall.
Crosses fingers that they all survive!!
Ohh...can't forget to mention my leeks in the far tray...love love Leeks!!!

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