
By don376

Strange Object No.1

Can you guess what this is?  No? OK I'll tell you - it's the bellows between the carriages on one of the Manchester Metro Trains.  As many of you may know the bellows expand and contract to allow the trains to go around tight corners on the street part of their journey... Yes I know most of Europe has had their excellent metro systems for years and years and yes I know Great Britain (as it was when I was a lad) pioneered the use of Trams many years ago but then we gave them up you see and we've only recently seen the sense of using them again.  These are really good because they are designed to go on our local railways and also on the road. I use them all the time during the week to make the 20 minute journey from our office in Altrincham to the very heart of the city and 99% of the time they work really well.  A few years ago Manchester council tried to bring in a congestion charge in order to pay for the expansion of the Metro-link Train system but we all voted against it and now they've done it anyway despite the Labour Government (at the time) threatening us that there would be no money for such a scheme.. Ha! Ha!  I'll try to find another mystery object for tomorrow!

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