Singing with Pride at Marcia and Kevin's blessing

I've mentioned the lovely folks from 'Sing with Pride' on many occasions so here are a few of them posing for the camera after singing a couple of songs (Garai Pano and Somewhere Over the Rainbow) at the blessing of the marriage of one of our sopranos, Marcia, to Kevin in a beautiful little church outside Norwich earlier today.

The weather was good, and the brollies are simply to add a bit of colour to the photo. One of Shell's roles on the Norwich Pride Collective is that of 'shopkeeper' - she never goes anywhere without a selection of Pride merchandise so was able to provide the brollies. Apparently they are being sold for a fiver each.

The full choir has about 15 regular members but not everyone could attend today.

From left to right: Me, Shell, Maggie, Tristan, Deborah, David and Stevie

And as it's my birthday I'm now looking forward to a lovely birthday dinner cooked by Roland and settling down to listening to the collection of Patti Smith CDs that he gave me. What more could I want, I ask myself.

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