
Today the Olympic Torch came to Falmouth. I had to drop Bella off at 9 at Custom House Quay for the big school choir. Then I had to get back to the Moor for 10 to be with my Brownies.

After a slightly iffy looking start, the sun beat down on us and eventually after much excitement (and entertainment from the Falmouth Marine Band) the torch went past.

The 250 Brownies, Guides and Rainbows then had a pasty lunch in the Methodist Church before being returned to their parents.

Town was heaving and the atmosphere was super. Shops had been decorated and as I went through early on, people were out washing their windows and putting bunting out. Despite my huge cynicism about the whole event, Falmouth did itself proud and I am pleased to have been a part of it!

Another blipper has suggested we tag any torch blips with "olympictorch" So I have.

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