
Well, it's that time of year.  

Fortunately hay doesn't give me hayfever, but it can be a tough time of year for some.

A great day at work again today - I've achieved a lot so far this week. Then I took off at 3 for a massage.  I went to the Doctor yesterday about my feet that I've been having trouble with, assuming that I had osteo arthritis, but she diagnosed it as plantar fasciitis.  I should have gone to her months ago instead of self-diagnosing, and then it wouldn't be as bad as it is!  She referred me for physio and recommended therapeutic massage and ice foot baths.  Yay on the massage, not so yay on the icy soaks.  

So I started the foot soaks last night and had the massage today.  I love having a massage and my therapist usually focuses on my back where I have a lot of scar tissue that appreciates some deep tissue work.  But today, as instructed by the Doctor, she focussed on my legs and feet.  Just what is needed, but not quite as blissful as having my back done!

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