A Matthew A Day

By MatthewAndMummy

Doll's house?

Matthew rather likes the dolls house which I'm guessing was Nardjess's Christmas present. As far as he's concerned it's for putting cars (and sometimes trains) in.

Woke so many times last night I lost count, and wailed again at being left - but quietened in seconds of the door closing behind him. Had a good day apparently but I had a bit of a battle trying to get him in the bike and we had a complete meltdown at teatime. Despite Mike's better judgement I gave him and let him have ill after only a token bite of dinner. And oddly while it took him ages to calm down he did eventually eat all his dinner too - while reading the book we'd said he could bring with him to the dinner table in the first place. Trying not to dread having him all day tomorrow. Hope the wind calms down a bit by 9am before we have to head out for our sing and sign group. I suspect this will be our last term, given how well he's talking now. If only we could always understand it :)

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