Mandy's photo journal

By MandyO

Blowing kisses...

...on my 1095th Blip!

Three years of Blip. 
Every single day. 
Take a picture. 
Try to make it awesome. 
Edit it if necessary. 
Link it to your life that day. 
Write a journal. 
Make sure you have Wifi. 
Breath a sigh of relief. 
Until it all starts again tomorrow.

But on the other hand....

Seeing the world in a whole new way.
Looking forward to getting comments.
Seeing awesome Blips from others.
Being part of a community.
Thrilled at getting stars and faves.
Proud when someone follows your journal.
Over the moon when I got staff pick.
Having an amazing and unique record of your life.

Here's to the next 3 years x

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