Teenage kicks(tarter).

Battening down the hatches, not for the weather I might add - although it is blimmin' freezin' - but today was the last day of Sam being my little soldier.....tomorrow he officially becomes a Teenager!

A TEENAGER?!!!! Time flies. The big 13.

Run, take cover, buy clearasil, a stinky Lynx exsmellyarmpits (sorry Harry Potter) wand and a thick skin for the attitude problem that will instantly develop overnight. Or so we've been told by parents who've trodden this path before. But och, he surely still is my special wee man, he was so excited tonight, despite me flagging after work with this blimmin cold (sooooooo bored of having the cold now, my head feels thick with it, fogging any productive thoughts and conversations at work (did I have any in the first place?!), and my throat has stopped me singing and speaking much at home, which is giving some unexpected peace to my family and gives the kids free reign to bicker without a raging intervention from) their crazy mum), but Sam was undeterred by my lurgie and insisted he knew where I'd hidden the presents. Show me I said. So he did. But he was disappointed when it turned out to be a bag of shoes and some coat hangers under my bed. I could see he was panicking that what his Dad said might be true....that you don't get presents when you turn 13. Bad Dad. Don't go changing too much my wonderful Sammy Sammy Sam Sam.

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