hello : )

By 1DayataTime

heart healthy challenge: day 1 of 32

Today is January 14th and a month away is Valentine's Day. I have spent most of my life being single, so there are only a few occasions when I have celebrated the day with a guy I was dating. It also wasn't until just a few years ago that I learned that the date is in fact February 14th! (My dad's birthday is 2/16, so that was always the February highlight for my family and now my niece's birthday is 2/18, so it's going to be a fun month!)

I am challenging myself to ride on the bike at my gym for a 1/2 hour each day for the days leading up to Valentine's Day. This photo is a view of the bike's monitor when I finished my morning (yes, I woke up early today!) biking session. My Valentine's Day gift to myself is going to be a healthier heart! 

(The photo is a bit blurry because I took the picture while I was finishing up the workout.)

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