Proud Weegie

By Shiv

Shy Guy

One of the problems in my line of work - is that my colleagues and I often  work at different Client sites,  sometimes for long periods, and it's hard to keep in touch with everyone - even harder to meet our new recruits !

To help with team bonding, we now issue a Staff Mag (ok - I'm the Editor - but then I get to pick all the juiciest gossip for it!), and we publish photos of new recruits complete with some interesting bios.

I pre-warned the latest batch to get their hair and makeup done as I was coming in to the Mothership to take some portrait shots for the next mag (and I have a PERFECT new lens for this!).

Good Grief.  If you thought it was hard getting photos from women  - you should have seen the effort it took to persuade them to appear in front of the lens.  I loved it though and the new lens takes awesome shots.

Here's one of our new recruits...I have a feeling this one won't make it onto his LinkedIn profile !

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