
By Madchickenwoman


I saw a shooting star this eve! Or something quite low burning orange as it blazed through the atmosphere!Beautiful, clear, starry  night too which otherwise I would have missed if  this  unexpected closing of the chickens  in the pitch dark hadn't occurred - coop member got caught up with a fainting youngster so called me to do her closing. 
Earlier in the day I had a walk round the village in the sun. Everything was very still and had a laid back feel to it - a few people around, no one in any hurry. Took a lot of photos of the various streets and houses, and marvelled again at my good fortune to be living in such a funny little place!
The landing jetty was the most animated thing I saw - creaking as it moved with the current of the river. The seagulls that had been sitting on it, and I,  saw the Swan Woman at the same time, they took off in a swirling, calling mass, and the swans I had not seen came waddling up to meet her.
Cooked  dinner  for friend when i got back.Although she has people taking her to hospital for treatment each day, so is getting company, I realised she was back to cooking for herself and spending the eves alone. She looks so much like her old self it takes a conscious effort to remember she is not actually "better". She has simply recovered from her severe reaction to the chemo. We had a pleasant time chatting about  events in the world and the obsession the locals have with taking short cuts wherever they are going - which to me are just circuitous routes saving neither time nor distance! 
Small things to savour today. Happy to be. 

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