
By YvonneThornton

Next project......

just a taster.

I thought this would require more concentration but so far so good.

I think it may be harder on the fronts and sleeves.

Boss asked to speak to me today, my appraisal is on Thursday now, so I immediately wondered what I had done wrong..........but no she wanted to speak to me about my promotion.  This has been mentioned previously but it has been in the hands of the powers that be, HR.  It could be through this month but they are talking about having to advertise the role.  My boss has told them she really doesn't want to do this as it would waste applicants time.  It would mean changing from a Wellcome Trust to GRL contract so I would have to work 37 rather than 35 hours a week, lose my 'annualised hours' contract, but could claim 'toil', lose my days at Christmas, currently I am given four off which aren't out of my holiday, but it seems as though I would be compensated for this.  As you can see my brain has been working overtime, whilst knitting, on this.  I really need to see the contract and compare.  As the rest of the team will change contracts later this year so I will be leading the way and need to make sure there aren't any errors.

Going to watch some trash tv to try and turn the grey matter off :-)

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