That's Me in the Corner,That's me in the Spotlight

Whilst trying desperately hard to come off medication... and still retain my smiley demeanor I have to stop and breathe deeply.  

Long and often. 

Today, whilst trying to help someone with the office copier;  I headed into the disabled toilet where I keep my larger office supplies. (Fear not, when disabled people come into the office, and sometimes they do, I throw all objects which aren't toilet related straight out and into the main office. )

I gazed at the 10 or 11 boxes of paper reams, and contemplated the fight I was about to have in order to remove one ream to achieve the desired outcome at the photocopier.   

You know the boxes, five reams held by cardboard and fastened closed with a plastic tape.   

I successfully managed to break the cardboard cover, and wiggle out a ream.  I then emerged from the loo and announced to P and S.   

"Chappies, I have a bit of a problem with temper issues right now, and it would help if one of you with a big jabby knife (they took all the jabby knives away from me) could enter the Disabled Toilets and chop off all the plastic tapes from the box, to save me from loosing it with the boxes, that would be lovely.  #smilessweetly. 

P stands up and says, "you do know that you don't have to cut them, they do open".   And wandered over to me and the loo, opened the door, seen the disarray and said "oh". 

He reached the box and began to peel off the tape, which split and continued to unravel around and around without actually opened, at which time, he looked up and said "I'll get the knife".   

And we all laughed. 

Pah ha ha ha, it is little moments like that which make me laugh out loud and feel better about life. 

And then I came home and my beloved had made me THIS!

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