Catablog 2!!

What a strange day it’s been... One minute the sun was shining, the next minute the sky would cloud over and it would pour down with rain! And there’s nothing I dislike more than a wet fur day!!

So instead I’ve been snoozing the day away indoors, all warm and cosy. And to be honest, my Lady In Waiting hasn’t really done anything any more exciting than me either! She did, however, uncover a belated Christmas present that my friend Buster had sent to me. Take it from me, you can’t beat a good old Catnip toy to brighten a dull day, just purrfect!!

My Lady In Waiting tells me that there's a chance of snow for us tonight. Now I quite like that kind of weather, it's quite fun jumping about in that white stuff, though my paws do get a little cold and I get little snowballs stuck in my fluffy tum. So I'd better stop talking to you now and have another power catnap, just in case there's some snow fun to be had tomorrow!!

=^.^= Toffee

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