In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

The weight


I have no comfort zone.
Comfort zones are a hinderance to enjoying life.
Therefore I rarely, but not never, shut out new experiences in my life.
Last night, after dinner served by our favourite waiters, Matt and Jeff assisted by our wine waiter Rosario, we went to the show which was as tribute to the Beatles. I gave a 4 out of10.
After that there was a Sports quiz with a difference in one of the lounges.
Followed by karaoke. See, I told you I was willing to experience things I don't like.
I'm on holiday. It was fun. And, no, I didn't sing.

Today we are at sea all day. And there was little or no sunbathing to be done. The skies were so grey, I thought we were back home. But, thankfully, we aren't.
Expect more weight to be put on today, as eating shall be a prime activity.

This is one of the resident bands, they are called Red Syndicate and they play better music than the other group.

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