Mountain pine

I had my first morning shift today and boy did it feel good. For few years I've manly worked during evenings and now I have some morning classes too and it is fabulous. It's just such a feast to be home at the same time as the rest of the family. 

Today I had my last cup of coffee. I've noticed that my morning coffee also gives me pain, so as I have few days off starting tomorrow I'll suffer the withdrawals on my off days. I know I'll get headache, will be testy and will be unbelievably tired. The family has been warned.

Yesterday I took two little bites of chocolate and I got severe pain. The more I take foods out of my diet, the more I find out new foods that I can not eat. It's very frustrating. I've always been a sweet tooth and this is getting really hard. And yet I realize that these are truly first world problems and I have to be grateful that my problems are on this level.

We got lots of snow last Sunday. Now it's melting away as it's again on plus degrees and that seems to continue for the next 5 days at lest. More watery rains also expected our way.

Yesterday I took my "diamond" camera to work with me to have something nice to blip, but I realized that it's way too heavy especially today when I came back via grocery store and had more heavy stuff to take home. So it was back to my mountain pine for the blip.

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