"The Life oF Bunnies?"

Dylan: It's great being outside again.
Bandit: I'm fed up of them . I mean what do they do for us?
Dylan: Well they do feed us!
Bandit: But apart from feeding us?
Dylan: They do clean us out.
Bandit : But apart from feeding us and cleaning us out
Dylan: They do take us to the vet for check ups.
Bandit: But apart from feeding us, cleaning us out and taking us to the vet, what do they do for us?
Dylan: They do take us inside if it's stormy weather
Bandit: And that's another thing! What was all the noise in the room next to us?
Dylan: I think it was him. He's got a cold, coughing and spluttering and sneezing.
Bandit: Flamin' thoughtless if you ask me! I could hardly sleep last night.
Dylan: He had to go to bed. That's why he didn't blip yesterday
Bandit: He really is a first class wimp!

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