Spoor of the Bookworm

By Bookworm1962

Decided, after the improvements in my eye, that it was time to start playing my various instruments again. The cats are eyeing me with discomfort and suspicion. If Jake was still with me he would no doubt respond by pushing me down with his huge paws on my chest, cover me with a concerned deluge of licking and probably nick my penny whistle and try to get me to chase him around the room to retrieve it. My favourite doggy response to these strange noises I am prone to make was that of my German Shepherd, Sven thirty or so years ago, harmonica and recorders both prompted him to supply a howling accompaniment ...and then there was the day (long before electronic tuners) that saw me sitting tuning my guitar, pitch pipes in mouth prompting Sven (long since bored by the phenomenon) to slowly and calmly prop his forepaws on my knee, reach upwards, take the pitch pipes out of my mouth....and, never breaking eye contact, crush said pipes between his powerful jaws and spit the crumpled shards on to the floor. He then curled up content and well satisfied with his world. One day I will find an appreciative audience.

All of which is enough excuse to post a link to my favourite whistler of the tin, Mary Bergin http://youtu.be/EOXhG-wngPo after all the downbeat stuff I've been posting lately a little leavening with something wild and free shouldn't go amiss.

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