Fence sitters

We woke up to more snow, and it snowed all morning, eventually adding about four inches to the several that  already covered the ground. The way I look at it, that is just the right amount of snow. I couldn't go out with my camera this morning because I had an appointment at the retinal specialist's office, where they dilated both eyes and gave me an injection in the eye that has a retinal problem. It took hours for my eyes to get back to normal, but Bob, Gulliver, and I finally made it to the park for a short walk at about 4 pm. These two fence sitters were Bob's favorite of the pictures I took. I was leaning toward posting this one and couldn't make up my mind, so I decided to let him pick the blip, and he voted for the fence sitters. 

Thanks to everyone who gave stars and hearts to my young doe yesterday. There were more deer on the trail today, and one of them really wanted to be a blip star. She posed for several pictures, which you can see starting here.

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