Marilyns or Munros

I had a busy morning at my U3A Photography group, followed by our New Year Lunch, so missed most of the sunshine this morning.  However, on my drive home, I noticed lots of blue sky over the Angus Hills and decided to drive out to get a blip.

Typically, by the time I got into position, the black clouds had rolled in completely obscuring the hills to my left, so I had to turn to the right and head towards the Sidlaws instead.  I had just taken a couple of shots when the black clouds caught up with me and a sleet shower had me running for shelter!  We don't do boring weather in Scotland:-)

This is Kinpurnie Tower, built as a folly in 1766 on top of Kinpurnie Hill.  The hill, at 1132 feet is classed as a "Marilyn", a hill over 492 feet and a deliberate pun on the higher "Munro" at 3000 feet or above.  Oddly enough, not all Munros are also Marilyns, as it is dependent on the prominence of surrounding land!  For example, Cairn Gorm is not a Marilyn, although it's one of the tallest Munros.  Complicated or what?!!

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