My life

By pops

Poor Rudolf

Christmas is well and truly over, seeming a distant memory already.
Poppy had this toy a few weeks before Christmas when she finished 'killing' her last one, as you can see she's already managed to de-foot him!
We took on Poppy as a rescue dog in 2003 she was about 12weeks old and had been kicked against a wall by her 'owner' the vet that had taken her in felt that she had a little brain damage and some vision problems but that basically she would cope well. I'd diagnose her as being on the autistic spectrum, she has certain patterns, for example in the garden she has to circumnavigate the entire garden each time she goes out, always the same route.
As a puppy she used to take her toys everywhere with her so if I went into the kitchen she would follow me with her toys, one at a time making three or four journeys, Then back to the lounge....... and so so it continued. These days she still follows us from room to room but is secure enough to leave her toys behind, but they have to be on 'her' rug! When I clean if I move them out of the way she returns them one by one, and if I move them away from Thomas when he is playing on the rug she has started to put them back despite him being there, it's like she uses them to claim her little space. Although she often spreads them out to all corners of the rug if she goes to sleep you usually find one or two of them have been dragged back under her.

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