Home Brew

I had to cancel a blood donation appointment in December due to my new work's Christmas do, and I've been trying ever since to get back in the system. All local appointment have been booked up, which is really great, but a bit frustrating for me! I went along as a walk-in this morning, but was turned away as they couldn't fit anyone in. I've had to settle for a booking in March; I can't believe that's the earliest I can get!

Anyway, all that made for an early start, so we made our way over to Mum's for a cuppa and lunch. G had planned to set up his home brew at Mum's but realised our flat would be better temperature-wise. So we all came back to ours and whilst he set up his first brew, Mum and I relaxed with a F1 film. We all made a tasty cauliflower cheese for tea, and had a lovely afternoon hanging out. I'm now catching up on Blip whilst watching Nebraska- it's a beautifully shot film.

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