My Life

Work was a twix of thrill.

I am lying down after a very exciting day.

Off to Perth for football tomorrow.

6.20 alarm went off
7.03 I got out of bed to walk Juno
7.37 I returned home to have shower, breakfast, make pack lunch .
8.28 Leave house to walk to work
9.12 Arrive at my employment, do the security check for a friend who forgot their pass.
9.18 Arrive at desk after walk upstairs and chat to some of the old team.
Switch on computer, check out news, open emails. Delete the spam.
9.30 Start mi jobs for new code.
10.10 meeting about a project I am working out.
10.45 Catch up on issues I was dealing with.
12.00 Pack lunch while checking out code.
13.10 Head out for a walk and tea, scones small so given 2. Bought some 89p fruit gums.
14.15 Back at desk, continuing the mi process and checks.
16.34 Head home via Lupe Pintos a busy place of wine tasting. Eco mum picked me up as it was pouring and miserable.
17.28 Start making tea
18.40 tea with eco gran and son.
19.05 Eco girls return and have their tea.
20.00 Take eco gran home, via supermarket.
20.45 Water the greenhouse at the allotment.
21.30 Home and blip update.

20215 steps.

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