wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Busy day

Saturday was a crazy day. We had a Soprano rehearsal ( for the chorus I sing with) an audition for the band, and gave a concert that night.
With my band......always an adventure.
The rehearsal was a lot of work and accomplished a lot. I feel so much better.
We then packed our stuff up and went to Bath, Maine for a audition at the Chocolate church. They are having a "Hot Chocolate Jubilee" and have asked us to audition to see if we would maybe perform for it. This would be a lot of work ( 4 nights).
Auditions can be rough. They are humbling and stressful. They also keep egos in check. I was nervous and Ingrid said I didn't smile enough......at first. We walked into a room with about 10 people sitting in chairs behind a table. Your feet on the hardwood is the only sound in the almost empty room. You hand over your audition sheet with the information, and answer questions. Then you do what you do and everything else disapears. You try to make eye contact with a few people looking for some signs of how they are processing what you are doing.
We finished our song......they loved us. Well except one man who walked over to us and told us that he was the director, and had done a lot of community theatre, and then asked us if we would mind working with him on our choreography and our interaction with each other.
He said " something like a Supreme thing" he then took his hands and ran them down fluttering the fingers and said " you know like the rain coming down"
I was horrified.
I said you know we do move, we are holding a bit back for this audition.
He said" well dancing is different then this," and then proceeded to flail his arms and legs.
I smiled looked at him in the eye and said
" yeahh we don't do that"
The people behind him told him to leave us alone. We performed a few more songs for them and they went well.
They then brought the woman in who does the booking for the Chocolate Church.. That was the best part of the day. The chocolate church is an amazing venue for performers. Who knows if this leads to something or not. We auditioned it was a big step. This actually gets us in the groove for the end of January when we audition for Maine's got talent. That will be stressfull but fun.
We then went to Shelly's house, ate lunch and headed home to get the equipment for tonight. As we were putting the speakers and other equipment in the car. Ingrid noticed her Ukelele was missing. We eventually traced it back to Bath where Shelly managed to meet up with someone to get it back.This took numerous phone calls and, a lot of worry until the mission was completed. That crisis averted we continued on our way. We stopped to get coffee and I found heaven. They go by the name of croissant donuts. Known as "Cronuts"
But I digress.
Ingrid looked at her tire and we agreed, it was almost flat. We have no idea how to do this. Mind you Ingrid's husband is a master mechanic, we wanted to try and do this on our own. Which we knew we could do later.
The South Portland Library after hours concert series. This is a wonderful thing. We had so much fun. It was a great audience and we were on. I love it when it just flows. We are so blessed to be able to perform and have as much fun as we do. I explained the director to the crowd and had many of them do the rain symbol when we sang that word......which seemed to be a lot for some reason.
I have gone on for a bit so I will cut it short. We ate pizza and got to a service station in time to put air in the tyre.(I spelled it like that because I know other countries do) The pressure was 8. Yup it needed air.
today I will be visiting with friends and family. This will be an awesome weekend.
So I will sign off for now. Goodnight to downunder and g'day to the north!!!!
Oh the books? They were in a back room at the library. I loved the names of them.
Have a great day. See you tonight.

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