Diary of a Homeowner

By JennyWrenny


A friend of mine had to cancel dinner tonight, which is probably a good thing, as I'm eating out a lot over the next couple of days and need to continue saving my pennies. Having worked late last night and caved in to fish and chips, I was determined not to do the same again tonight, particularly as I had a load of veg in the fridge anyway.

So, Jamie's Ministry of Food to rescue again. A great book, which helps you get the classics right. I did a beef casserole tonight, which I intend to freeze and use on the nights I work late, and whilst that cooked that I did a prawn stir fry for my tea. Therefore, feeling very virtuous for my efforts. I am now trying to resist eating the casserole despite having already eaten. It's been so cold here today. Proper casserole weather.

Not the best of pictures, but fulfills the journal requirement of the site quite nicely. Apologies again for not getting round to commenting so much lately. First house viewing on Sunday and a little preoccupied at the moment! Will hopefully find some time over the weekend.

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