
By ausmossie

Last Vestiges of Summer

I have recently discovered that the floral emblem of Shenyang is the Rose.. Now I know why there were so many in summer.. This one is a cracker. I took the pic on the way home from the bus stop at the spot where I was told not to take pics of the flowers once before. I made sure I was out of eyeshot of the guys with the guns just in case.

Goodbye summer.. Let us cheerfully welcome in the bitterly cold winter.

EDIT. This is pretty much how it came off the camera. I am not sure if it is really this yellow and pink. I will look next time I take a bus. I was going to clone out that annoying blurred piece at the bottom but I left it there.. because it shouldn't be there.. This is also not where I would usually put the flower.. Usually it would be dead centre.

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